Progress, or lack thereof

I’m about 50% into chapter 30 of WP. I’m writing so slow and get distracted all the time so I haven’t been able to just get into it and finish the chapter. It’s so frustrating. I’ve been watching a lot of movies lately, it’s like I’m looking for other things to do than what I need to get done. Today I have (a migraine) a memorial service for my grandfather so I probably won’t be able to have a writing spree in the afternoon.

Gotta find a way to fight those distractions!

About myth720

I'm awesome.
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4 Responses to Progress, or lack thereof

  1. Rubedo Jr. says:

    I know all about distractions. However, I have found a pretty easy way around them which has helped me to no end. Start writing for a little bit, finish maybe a paragraph or two, then switch to something else. Finish that (and if it’s an anime, it’ll probably leave on a cliffhanger that’ll have you on amped up for the next episode) and move back to writing for a bit, finish a paragraph or two, then switch back.

    It may seem like it’ll take awhile, but you’re making progress AND getting the distractions out of your system. Just make sure you finish a section of writing before switching each time, and you’ll be finished with a chapter before you realize it.

    Looking forward to the next chapter on bated breath,
    Rubedo Jr.

    • myth720 says:

      Heya, thanks! That’s pretty much what I’m doing, except it’s more like 2 lines and a huge break :/ and I always have the urge to write when I can’t.

      Anyway in the past couple of days, I’ve been glued to the news due to the disaster in Japan…. will take a bit longer, but I’ll definitely get it out.

  2. lordhaseo says:

    You’ll have it ready for us loyal readers when you’re good and ready, ya?

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